Located very near the coast, a few hundred meters from the port of Finale Ligure, in the shape of the hill; we find its apex in space for more than 14 mt. then down along the walls up to about -25 mt.
The walls, rocky type are mainly covered with sea daisies (Parazoanthus axinellae), and offer a number of crevices and burrows for a myriad of living beings as conger (Conger conger), red scorpion fish (Scorpanea scrofa), rockfish blacks (Scorpanea porcus), octopus (Octopus vulgaris), damselfish red (Anthias anthias), and bream (Diplodus spp).
Diving very simple, suitable for all divers, nice for the night; with current read or nonexistent and good visibility.
Diving: easy
Patent minimum required: Open Water
Depth min: 13 mt
Maximum depth: 24 mt
presence networks: no
Biological interest: good
Interest photo: good