The Marina Diving strategically located with headquarters at the port of Loano (SV) has operability 'very wide which includes the island Gallinara (protected area) and the island of Bergeggi with the possibility' of fantastic diving on dry and suggestive wrecks of both recreational and technical; Click on the list to get information on dive sites.
Recreational dives :
- Gallinara Punta Falconara
- Gallinara Cristo Redentore
- Gallinara Punta Sciusciau
- Bergeggi Pifferaio
- Bergeggi Franata
- Bergeggi Canalone
- Wreck Città di Sassari
- Wreck San Guglielmo
- Secca Scoglietti
- Secca delle Stelle
- Secca di Marassi
- Wreck Tiflys
- Franata di Noli
- Secca della Tosa
- Secca del Garage
- Secca dei Gronghi
Tecnichal dives :
- Wreck Haven
- Wreck Re Faruk
- Wreck Tiflys
- Wreck Umberto I
- Secca San Antonio
- Secca dei Ramoni
- Secca dei Maledetti
Special dives